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Welcome to Intentionally Written! 


Overflowing with pride—and far more anxiety than I care to admit—I warmly welcome you to my custom, discreet writing service, here to help with your writing, editing and proofreading! 


Though admittedly hesitant, I've taken the step to officially put myself out there simply because I know I provide a valuable service. In a nutshell, I help ordinary persons, students and businesses produce written work that is clear, coherent, engaging and effective!

Let’s be real, the simple—and somewhat dreadful—truth is that writing is necessary; it is essential, it is inevitable, and when done well, it can be life-changing! The right words can get you the job, the competition, the contract, the grade, the funding, the girl (let’s be honest), and ultimately the win.  But for writing to be effective, it must be written for purpose—written with intention!


The thing is, we know when writing is intentional by the way it looks and feels. You can feel when words almost leap off the page, words that confidently and coherently carry your message, words that are emphatically clear and direct in their purpose. The right words will speak for you in any setting! 


However, if we are truly honest with ourselves about our abilities, many of us have a hard time finding those ‘right words’. Some of us just don’t have the time, and truthfully, all of us find proofreading our work to be a challenge. This is why Intentionally Written exists—to be your resource, to find and refine those 'right words'!


Having been a teacher, academic journal editor, ambassador, economist, pageant coach, online freelance writer and many other roles in-between, I have spent my life producing a vastly wide range of written text with excellence and great results. I am beyond confident in my ability to handle your writing and editing tasks with a level of discretion, professionalism, and attention to detail that I'm sure you will appreciate.


Whether turning your thoughts in text, strengthening and clarifying your language or simply providing a fresh pair of eyes, I’m here for all of it!

With sincerity,


Are You...

Drawing A Blank?

I'm here for it!

Too Busy To Write?

I'm here for it!

All Over The Place?

I'm here for it!

In Need of Fresh Eyes?

I'm here for it!

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